A Little Healing Harp

Today I listened to a harp. Right up close –ear to the wood. Very slowly the strings were plucked, and I listened with eyes closed to the vibration. The sound would start very deep, and made me think of the colour brown for some reason, then it would stretch out far and just continue and continue and continue until finally, eventually it faded away.

Good Vibration

There is a lovely lady in Ottawa who invited  me to her home this Monday morning. I won’t say her name only because, I forgot to ask if I could mention it here. She is an actress and musician and writer and counsellor and traveller and the perfect example of a renaissance woman.  Through a small series of coincidences, I found myself in her living room today, ear on her harp as she plucked different notes.

Two weeks ago I was at the Ottawa Women’s Business Network Courageous Women’s Event, which was organized by the lovely Camille Boivin, for whom I support in writing the blog “Sister Leadership.” This women’s event was held at the Bytown, and part of the evening involved storytelling and meeting notable women of Ottawa’s past. One lady there was Mother McGuinty. Mind you, she’s not the real Mother McGuinty – that lady being from the canal building times in Ottawa, which was long, long, long ago. The women at the event was an actress, and she often plays this role. Anyhow, she was by far the most popular person at this party as she played the role – and she wasn’t even there to network! Mother McGinty kept asking us to show her our ankles, and invited us to work at her ‘bar’ over the way where men would go crazy over the flash of a lovely ankle.

She was totally charming.

Then the other day, I was at the OICC, and there she was on the cover of a music CD – Mother McGuinty. She was on the cover of this CD, playing the harp.

And then, I was asked to find and interview her (for a series of Ottawa women we are doing over at SL). Which I did, because that’s what I do – and during our conversation it came out that she had had stage four lymphoma many years ago. To help herself feel better during treatments, she found a favourite note on her harp, and she would play it, listening as it stretched out and vibrate into her, until it finally faded away – then, she’d strum it again, and again, and again, resonating with the notes.

During my interview with her, which will sooner than later be on Cam’s blog, I had mentioned seeing her CD at the OICC, which is when she learned about the stage 4 breast cancer, and invited me over for a cuppa and some harp-listening.

It was a lovely part of today. It’s lovely how the notes flow right into me.

Never in my life did I imagine holding a harp and resting myself against it to listen and vibrate and heal. But that is exactly what happened today. It was lovely, she was lovely, and now I know my notes. J B and C – deep and strong.

So there is a little story about that.


9 thoughts on “A Little Healing Harp

  1. So neat! You never know who you will come across on these amazing journeys! There are so many people out there to help us along the way- each with their own little unique touch. I just love reading about all these cool things you are doing!

  2. dear Catherine,

    the harp – oh, how beautiful! I can truly believe the healing and soothing you were feeling. it must keep reverberating in your heart and mind over and over. and how great you now know “your” notes!

    you are one busy lady, giving so much of yourself always, and coming away with a treasure trove of wonderful stories. thank you for sharing them.

    much love and light,


  3. Hi Catherine,
    Reading this makes me smile. Isn’t it wonderful how paths cross with various people we never expected to meet? Music is wonderful therapy, of course, but the sound of a harp playing is something extra special. And I just love the way you can turn something “simple” into such a great story. Thanks for sharing yet another one.

  4. Once again, I am enjoying your artwork – art that is simple, yet which conveys a lot. It certainly looks like you, sitting in a tranquil blue circle, feeling healing sound vibrations and yellow energy that invigorates.

    Makes me think of doing a sketch of how I feel when my three-month old kitten lies on my chest with her loud purring entering my heart, or another sketch of my three year old cat who sleeps behind my head, lulling me to sleep with his soft purr; or one of my seven-year old cat waking me up with his purr when I brush my teeth and another of my two-year old cat purring for a belly rub as I drink my tea. Finally, the look of my eight-year old cat whose purring entices me to do morning push-ups on the kitchen floor while she gives me giant head butts in approval. I just realized how much I am surrounded by the lovely purring of my cats … such a great sound!

  5. Pingback: Weekly Round Up | Journeying Beyond Breast Cancer

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